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BibTeX citation:
author = {McGhee, Derek and Moreh, Chris and Vlachantoni, Athina},
title = {Stakeholder {Identities} in {Britain’s} {Neoliberal}
{Ethical} {Community:} {Polish} Narratives of Earned Citizenship in
the Context of the {UK’s} {EU} {Referendum}},
journal = {The British Journal of Sociology},
volume = {70},
number = {4},
pages = {1104–1127},
date = {2019},
doi = {10.1111/1468-4446.12485},
langid = {en},
abstract = {This article examines the narrative strategies through
which Polish migrants inthe UK challenge the formal rights of
political membership and attempt to rede-fine the boundaries of
“citizenship” along notions of deservedness. The analysedqualitative
data originate from an online survey conducted in the months
beforethe 2016 EU referendum, and the narratives emerge from the
open-text answersto two survey questions concerning attitudes
towards the referendum and theexclusion of resident EU nationals
from the electoral process. The analysis identi-fies and describes
three narrative strategies in reaction to the public
discoursessurrounding the EU referendum – namelydiscursive
complicity,intergroup hostil-ityanddefensive assertiveness– which
attempt to redefine the conditions of mem-bership in Britain’s
“ethical community” in respect to welfare practices.Examining these
processes simultaneously “from below” and “from outside” thenational
political community, the paper argues, can reveal more of the
transfor-mation taking place in conceptions of citizenship at the
sociological level, and thearticle aims to identify the contours of
a “neoliberal communitarian citizenship” asinternalized by mobile EU
For attribution, please cite this work as:
McGhee, Derek, Chris Moreh, and Athina Vlachantoni. 2019.
“Stakeholder Identities in Britain’s Neoliberal Ethical Community:
Polish Narratives of Earned Citizenship in the Context of the UK’s EU
Referendum.” The British Journal of Sociology 70 (4):
1104–27. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-4446.12485.