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BibTeX citation:
author = {Danjo, Chisato and Moreh, Chris},
title = {Complementary Schools in the Global Age: {A} Multi-Level
Critical Analysis of Discourses and Practices at {Japanese}
{Hoshuko} in the {UK}},
journal = {Linguistics and Education},
volume = {60},
number = {100870},
pages = {1-12},
date = {2020},
doi = {10.1016/j.linged.2020.100870},
langid = {en},
abstract = {Hoshuko are Japanese government approved complementary
schools operating in many countries outside Japan and providing
Japanese-medium education. Although originally established for
children of tempo- rary professional expatriates, increasing
emigration has diversified the family backgrounds and educa- tional
needs of the pupils. This article explores how the Japanese
government, hoshuko , as well as the teachers and parents
accommodate to the challenges and opportunities of diversification,
looking specif- ically at the context of the United Kingdom. It
combines discourse-analytic conceptual tools and ethno- graphic
methods to explore discursive practices at the macro-level of
governmental policy, the meso–level of institutional policies of
nine UK hoshuko , and the micro-level of situated practices at one
UK school. We demonstrate how governmental discourses pursue
specific coercive aims using discursive strategies, and how these
are recontextualised in institutional and individual practices. At
each level, we also identify mechanisms through which the official
dominant discourse is negotiated. Based on the findings, we ar- gue
that a more purposeful policy realignment acknowledging local
diversity would benefit the overseas communities involved in
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Danjo, Chisato, and Chris Moreh. 2020. “Complementary Schools in
the Global Age: A Multi-Level Critical Analysis of Discourses and
Practices at Japanese Hoshuko in the UK.” Linguistics and
Education 60 (100870): 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2020.100870.